
  SEKISUI CHEMICAL CO., LTD. (总裁兼代表董事:Teiji Koge,以下简称“SEKISUI化学” established the world’s first*2 continuous atypical molding technology for thermoplastic CFRP*1 (以下简称“该技术”),并将于2017财年开始热塑性碳纤维增强塑料业务.

*1 CFRP=Carbon-fiber reinforced plastic  *2 As of February 2017: investigated by SEKISUI CHEMICAL

  The technology greatly increases productivity 与传统的通用CFRP生产工艺相比, enables the manufacture of large and long products.
  In the future, SEKISUI化学将继续开发和提供热塑性CFRP产品, first, for the infrastructure field, and at the same time, will develop thermoplastic CFRP products for transport equipment, which is an extremely large market.

1.What is CFRP?

  CFRP combines lightness with strength, 并已广泛应用于各种运输设备相关产品中,作为金属的替代品. The market size is assumed to be about 1.2 trillion yen*3 and is thought to expand further in the future.

*3  In FY2015. 来源:《十大赌博娱乐平台》(富士经济)

  CFRP有两种形式:一种是“热固性CFRP”,它是用液态塑料材料浸渍碳纤维,然后加热硬化而形成的, “热塑性CFRP”是由加热软化的塑料与碳纤维整体成型而成. Essentially, 热塑性CFRP是连续制造长、大尺寸产品的有效材料, 但传统的技术和工艺很难制造出同时具有大尺寸和高强度的产品. As a result, thermosetting CFRP accounts for nearly 100% of the market share; however, there still remain issues in increased length, increased size, and continuous production, and furthermore, thermosetting CFRP is difficult to be recycled.

2.Point of this technology



  热塑性CFRP是通过将加热和软化的塑料与上文所述的碳纤维整体成型而生产的. Unlike the thermosetting type, 塑料不能达到液态水平,热塑性CFRP的缺点是塑料很难浸渍碳纤维. 因此,SEKISUI化学开发了一种独特的技术(纤维打开技术),将束状碳纤维分解成每一根纤维,这样即使是高粘度的塑料也很容易被碳纤维浸渍.

(2)Composite continuous extrusion technology

  SEKISUI化学利用其管道和薄膜培育的挤出技术,开发了碳纤维和热塑性树脂的复合连续挤出技术. 这使得SEKISUI化学能够同时增加产品的长度和尺寸, achieve high productivity.

(3)Profile forming technology

  In addition to the composite continuous extrusion technology, SEKISUI化学开发了一种可以连续同时形成特殊肋骨结构的技术*4.

  与传统CFRP相比,这使得SEKISUI CHEMICAL能够同时实现强度的提高和重量的减轻.

*4 在铸件和塑料模塑件背面为加强而形成的板状突起.


3.Production process of thermoplastic CFRP product

Production process of thermoplastic CFRP product

 *PP: Polypropylene

4.Rollout of thermoplastic CFRP applications and the first product

  The thermoplastic CFRP produced by the use of this technology provides “超轻”、“长而大尺寸”、“高强度”、“高生产率” and moreover, thermoplasticity. It is, therefore, a product with outstanding recycling efficiency and competitive edge.
  Making the best use of these features, SEKISUI CHEMICAL在更广泛的领域进行产品的开发和提供, including infrastructure, civil engineering, and construction fields (windmill, tunnel, road, river, and other facilities) as well as transport equipment.
  For the first product, SEKISUI化学公司为防止地下商场和地铁遭受暴雨袭击时被水浸湿的“止水装置”(防灾装置)的商用化正在进行中, and is slated to launch the product by the end of FY2017.

■Features of thermoplastic CFRP water stop

[1]重量超轻(约为常规止水带重量的1/3 ~ 1/4) ).
[2]安装方便(只需一人运输和安装止水带). 安装时间:比常规止水带缩短50%).

[3]止水能力(止水标准:产品满足20l /Hr要求).

Easy installation just to pull and extend a roll-form CFRP plate

Easy installation just to pull and extend a roll-form CFRP plate

5.Production and business systems

  SEKISUI化学城市基础设施和环境产品公司将负责开发热塑性CFRP业务. 公司主要从事公私基建管道、飞机用塑料片(板)的成型业务, and in the business of synthetic wood. 公司必将与热塑性CFRP业务形成协同效应.



Heavy gauge CFRTP prepreg
~by SEKISUI original technology of carbon fiber spreading~

1.Heavy gauge CFRTP prepreg(PDF)(3.09MB)

2.Skin-Rib sheet(CFRTP reinforcement) (PDF)(2.82MB)


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